Pentecost, the Holy Spirit and US — more than Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Pentecost and the Coming of the Holy Spirit

Thank You for Pentecost, God!

Even after the followers of Jesus had seen him ALIVE after the crucification — they were still AFRAID. They were afraid with good reason, God.

Jesus told them to WAIT until power came to help them:”Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

The Holy Spirit came with the sound of a great wind and tongues of fire appeared over their heads. Then Peter went out into the streets — where thousands of Jews had come to Jerusalem for the Feast of Weeks — and preached!

But the truly amazing thing was that everyone heard him speak in their own language. It was the opposite of the Tower of Babel event.

What is particularly precious to me, God, is that You spoke to me many years ago as I read Acts, Chapter Two. My whole being reverberated with the knowledge that this was exactly how it happened. It was TRUE!

The Holy Spirit comes in POWER for each of us - TO BLESS and TRANSFORM

If I had been raised as a Baptist that would not have been a shock. But I was raised as a low church Episcopalian. The Bible was historical, but also poetic and allegorical. I just never thought that Pentecost really happened that way. Well, mostly, I never thought about it at all.

Here I sit — and YOU are asking: Will you say YES to ME? Will you receive MY SPIRIT? I have CHANGES I want to make in you.


Oh, but, GOD, I will need SO MUCH HELP. Because I am fearful . . . and self satisfied . . . and . . . slothful . . . BUT NO MATTER!  YOU KNOW YOU HAVE TO HELP. My job is to say Yes to the ten thousand tiny requests You will be making. YES!

Story teller,

Posted in a hand up, a series of molts and upgrades, A Spiritual Spring Cleaning, accepting gifts sight unseen, accepting my need for help, being repotted, Choosing to respond, fears, Focus on what unites us, God as an Ongoing Gift

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Sacred Dance Guild Journal

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