Embedded in God’s Time

Morning Moon

Thank You for the moon.
And for the stars, too.  Although we see so few due to light pollution.

Yesterday, driving in to town, I was enchanted by the full moon hanging on the edge of the horizon.  I wanted to HOLD on to the experience, and I suppose that is what photos are all about.

And, possessions, too?  Are they an attempt to hold on to invisible attachments — the person who gave it to us, the time and place it brings back, the feelings it evokes.  Things, then, are like doorways into an almost forgotten time and place?

God, we are given the gift of living in Time.  But, as for me, I don’t do well with time.  I’m not alone, am I.  We are responsive to things that happen quickly (though NOT as quickly as a FLASH flood) but things that happen slowly . . . tend not to be seen.  The clutter on my desk? The global climate change?  The AIDS illness?

And now I am back to the moon.  It was an early calendar for us in marking the passing of time.  The Hawaiians have a name for each night’s change in the moon — both waxing and waning.  Ah, but God, we have watches now.  And we divide time not into months or seasons, but into minutes and seconds and nanoseconds.  Going faster, we turn aside from the larger, longer picture.  Sigh.  God, I don’t even know what to ask You for.  Help? Yes, please help us remember we are SET / EMBEDDED  EVEN, in YOUR TIME.    Amen

Story teller,

Posted in embedded in God's Time, the moon as calendar, time

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Sacred Dance Guild Journal

Since 1958 articles by members & guests offer news about activities, history, Sacred Dance practices, profiles of Sacred Dancers, choreography, images & illustrations.

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