Understanding Mom’s Cat — Hearing What Is Not Said

Queen Katrina, my mother's cat

Good Morning, God!

I have finally discovered that Queen Katrina, Mom’s Cat, loves to be scratched sort of roughly. I grew up with cats that loved to be petted gently — not handled “roughly,” so it took me a while to figure it out.

My first clue was when a person visiting my mom used her feet to pet Katrina. FEET? I was amazed. But, after that I tried it myself and the cat definitely liked it.

So I have taken to really scruffing her fur up and she keeps coming back for more.

This is a great relief to me because for so long I had no idea what it was that Queen Katrina wanted when she would come and sit and LOOK at me. Now I have know at least one thing she wants.

Still, I have the feeling that The Queen has “other issues,” and I do wish that I could understand her better.

Understanding — standing with — creatures and people is so important! And, I tell You, God, some people are as hard to “hear” as my Mom’s cat. Still, I am hoping that “trying” counts. And I’d love Your Help!

Story teller,

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Posted in Communication, Hearing, interspecies contact, small mysteries, so much to learn

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